• Post published:August 16, 2023
  • Reading time:5 mins read

His impact goes beyond stone

Jorge Elizondo
Portrait of Jorge Elizondo by
Juan Rodrigo Llaguno @llagunofoto

The world of art and sculpture is in mourning with the passing of the sculptor from Monterrey, Jorge Elizondo, who died on August 11, 2023, at the age of 69. With an artistic career that spanned over four decades, Elizondo left an indelible mark on the art world, especially in the realm of monumental sculpture.

Born on October 15, 1953, Jorge Elizondo not only shared his birthdate with the vibrant spirit of autumn but also with his passion for creating. Known for working with a wide range of materials, from steel and stone to marble and plastics, Elizondo embarked on a profound and existential exploration of his art. For him, the creative process went beyond the aesthetic; it was about conveying subtle messages that emanated from the materials themselves.
Over more than four decades of carving stone, Jorge Elizondo developed an unmistakable style. His work transcends physical dimensions and delves into the realm of the spiritual, where forms emerge as a dialogue between strength, sensuality, and the human spirit. A passionate sculptor and blacksmith, Elizondo had a visceral connection to materials, spending hours scrutinizing textures and colors, smelling and listening to each one of them.

La Nube – Jorge Elizondo

His work, characterized by identifiable themes and a strong attachment to local materials, left a deep mark on the urban and cultural landscape of Monterrey. Monumental works like "La nube," installed near the Santa Catarina River, or "Entropía" at UDEM, became symbols of the city. His legacy also extended to educational and corporate spaces, such as Tec de Monterrey and buildings like KOI, Frisa, and more.

Entropía – Jorge Elizondo

Jorge Elizondo was not only a talented sculptor but also an tireless dreamer who saw art as an expression of life itself. Always committed to sharing his knowledge, he was an art teacher at UDEM for many years, inspiring a new generation of artists to explore and create.

His passage through this world leaves a profound void in the art scene, but his legacy will remain alive through the works he sculpted with passion and dedication. Although the physical flame of Jorge Elizondo has dimmed, his art will continue to illuminate the minds and spirits of those who appreciated it and the future generations who will explore his works with admiration and respect.

In his own words, "I don't have time to think about things related to posterity, but I like to think that the works will be there after me." Now, his work remains his voice, speaking through time and space, reminding us of his indomitable creative spirit and his love for sculpture.

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