• Post published:April 4, 2024
  • Reading time:5 mins read

As collectors of art and antiques, we become stewards of history and culture. These cherished pieces hold stories of the past, whispers of bygone eras, and a tangible connection to the artists and artisans who created them. It's our responsibility, then, to be diligent guardians, ensuring their preservation for generations to come.

Accidents, however, are an inevitable part of life. No matter how cautious we are, there will be times when our treasured possessions sustain damage. While prevention is always the best course of action, knowing what not to do in the aftermath of an incident is crucial to minimize further harm and ensure the best possible outcome for your beloved piece.

Here's what to avoid when your art or antiques are damaged:

  • Don't Panic! Taking a deep breath is the first step. Frantic cleaning or quick fixes can exacerbate the damage.
  • Don't Touch the Damaged Area: Fingerprints and oils can stain or react with the materials. Resist the urge to move or handle the piece excessively.
  • Don't Attempt DIY Repairs: While tempting, especially for minor nicks or tears, specialized knowledge and techniques are crucial for proper restoration. Improper repairs can permanently damage the value and integrity of the piece.
  • Don't Throw Away Any Pieces: Artwork that suffer accident usually has small pieces that break away. Be very careful not to dispose of any of these pieces for as small and insignificant that they might seem, they may provide an important function when putting it back together.

The One Thing You MUST Do: Seek Professional Help

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The single most important step after any damage occurs is to consult a qualified art or antique restoration specialist.These professionals have the training and experience to assess the damage, determine the best course of action, and restore your piece to its former glory. A qualified restorer will also document the accident with pictures and an assessment of the damage for future reference.

Think of it this way: even the most renowned museums have countless priceless artworks that have undergone some form of restoration throughout their history. These interventions ensure their continued preservation and enjoyment for future generations.

By seeking professional help, you're not just protecting your investment; you're ensuring that a piece of history continues to tell its story. Remember, responsible ownership means being proactive in safeguarding our cultural heritage. So take a deep breath, resist the urge to take matters into your own hands, and contact a qualified restorer. Together, we can ensure that the heirlooms we hold dear continue to inspire and enrich lives for years to come.

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