Head of Buddha
11-1/4 x 4-1/4 x 4"

$3,250.00 plus shipping



Captura la serenidad del Lejano Oriente con esta cabeza de Buda Tailandés en bronce. Proveniente del estilo U-Thong, una distintiva tradición artística que floreció en Siam (hoy en día Thailandia) durante los siglos XIV y XV. Lo que distingue a las esculturas U-Thong son sus expresiones gentiles e introspectivas, fascinantes rasgos faciales y detalles complejos. Nuestro Buda muestra una expresión contemplativa, con lóbulos de orejas colgantes y filas de puntas con cuentas adornando su cabello. Observa los ojos bajos y el leve indicio de una sonrisa, que transmiten una sensación de paz e iluminación. Pero la pièce de résistance es el remate en forma de llama que corona el ushnisha, una protuberancia craneal que simboliza la iluminación. Empapada en rica tradición budista, es un portal hacia la tranquilidad y la contemplación.

Crafted from bronze, this Buddha head exudes timeless elegance. The lost-wax method, a time-tested technique, was likely used to create it. In this intricate process, a wax model is sculpted, encased in clay, and heated. The molten metal, is poured in to replace the melted wax, and after cooling, the clay mold is broken away to reveal the bronze casting. The bronze material not only lends durability but also captures the spiritual essence of Buddhist art. The wood base provides stability, grounding the piece and connecting it to earthly existence.

Adorning the Buddha's head is the ushnisha, a flame-shaped protuberance symbolizing his superior wisdom and spiritual attainment. In certain Buddhist traditions, the ushnisha houses the Buddha's accumulated knowledge and virtues. The flame motif further reinforces the concept of enlightenment, a beacon illuminating the path to liberation.

This Buddha head is a window into the artistic heritage of Siam and a testament to the enduring power of Buddhist symbolism. Beyond its aesthetic allure, this Buddha head carries profound meaning. It invites contemplation, whispers stories of enlightenment, and bridges the gap between past and present. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a curious soul, this artifact beckons you to explore the mysteries of existence.

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11-1/4 x 4-1/4 x 4"


3 x 2-3/4 x 2-3/4"


20th Century



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