Los Crímenes del Chalequero degollador de mujeres /
Asesinato de Mucia Gallardo
Jose Guadalupe Posada
10 x 15"

$3,000.00 plus shipping

Mexican peso - MXN
  • Mexican peso - MXN
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SKU: 2985 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , ,



Jose Guadalupe Posada Re-Strike Print Chalequero Murcia Gallardo Murder

"Los Crimenes del Chalequero degollador de mujeres. Asesinato de Mucia Gallardo" (The Crimes of El Chalequero Slayer of Women. Murder of Mucia Gallardo) was the headline of the broadside article illustrated with this macabre print by Mexican master José Guadalupe Posada. Printed on fine cotton paper from the original plates by the Taller de Grafica Popular after they were discovered by Pablo O'Higgins.

"El Chalequero" or "The Jack the Ripper of Mexico" was the nickname given to the notorious Mexican serial killer Francisco Guerrero Pérez. He was active in Mexico City during the late 19th and early 20th centuries and is believed to have murdered at least 20 women, possibly more. His crimes were characterized by extreme brutality and often involved sexual assault.

El Chalequero's modus operandi was to lure unsuspecting women, often prostitutes, to secluded areas where he would strangle or stab them to death. He would then mutilate their lifeless bodies. Despite his notoriety, El Chalequero managed to evade capture for many years. His first arrest occurred in 1888, but he was released due to lack of evidence. He continued his killing spree until 1908 when he was finally apprehended and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to death, but the sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment. He died in prison in 1910.

The case of El Chalequero shocked Mexican society and highlighted the vulnerability of women, particularly those engaged in sex work. His crimes remain a dark chapter in Mexican history, and his name continues to evoke fear and revulsion.

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10 x 15"


12 x 16 x 3/4"

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