Alfredo Castañeda
Alfredo Castañeda

Alfredo Castañeda
México / España
(1938 – 2010)

Alfredo Castañeda, born on February 18, 1938, in Mexico City, was a prominent Mexican painter and architect. Influenced by the European surrealism movement that emerged in the 1920s, his figurative work rooted itself in this artistic current, solidifying his place among the strong values of contemporary Mexican art.

He studied painting and drawing with J. Ignacio Iturbe from 1950 to 1954 and later began architecture studies in 1956. Throughout the forties, various styles took shape under the influence of surrealism. Castañeda, with his skill as a draftsman and impeccable technique, created his own fantastical universe.

Starting in 1962, he alternated between his careers as an architect and painter, fully dedicating himself to painting in 1971. His work, characterized by a figurative, allegorical, and symbolic language, explored his internal world and personal translation of external reality. Unlike orthodox surrealism, Castañeda integrated conscious reason into the organization of his paintings, shaping fantasies organized from inner exploration.

Focusing on human isolation, his work is marked by the construction of images with profound symbolism, aiming to disturb, move, and communicate. He delved into the ambiguity of being, fantasy, and romantic idealism, all centered around self-awareness.

Alfredo Castañeda passed away on May 28, 2010, in Madrid, Spain, leaving behind an extraordinary and marvelous artistic legacy that delved into the deepest corners of the human experience.