Juan Torres
Morelia, Michoacán, México
Nacido en Morelia, Michoacán en 1942, ha pintado y dibujado desde la edad de 7 años. Fue alumno en la Universidad de Morelia y a los 9 años estudió pintura con el muralista mexicano Alfredo Zalce por 20 años. Ha construido casas y haciendas, además de ser maestro de repujado y escultor. Sus talleres de pasta de caña y barro son famosos en México.
"I gave a class at the Escuela Popular de Bellas Artes at the Universidad de Michoacan when I met Juan Torres. He was very young but very soon he became one of my best students working with ceramics, silver, sculpture, drawing and painting. He was very dedicated and always got good grades. His art matured when he graduated from school. He always got good reviews from critics and art connoisseurs. I let him go to help him develop a unique style. School gave him the means to become successful but he went on from there. My work was to give him the little knowledge that I have."
Alfredo Zalce, August 1995.
Alfredo Zalce, Agosto de 1995