Kathy Eldridge Madero
Kathy Eldridge Madero

Kathy Eldridge Madero
Houston, Texas, USA

Kathleen A. Eldridge Madero, a visual artist of dual nationality, American and Mexican, was born on December 5, 1946, in Houston, Texas. However, her childhood and adolescence were spent in Parras, Coahuila, Mexico, where she grew up with her maternal family. During this time, she attended the Renacimiento School as a student and later the Sagrado Corazón in Monterrey, Nuevo León, as a boarding student.

From an early age, Kathy Eldridge Madero showed a deep interest in the arts, exploring dance, music, singing, and drawing. However, it was not until 2004 that she decided to formalize her passion for painting by taking a diploma course in Visual Arts with a focus on painting at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL), completing 4 modules.

In 2006, her artistic pursuit led her to Spain, where she participated in two stages of workshops at the Decinti-Villalon Academy in Madrid, culminating in her participation in a collective exhibition. She continued her training with workshops led by Mauricio Gattas between 2007 and 2008. Subsequently, she immersed herself in her own artistic practice until 2014 when she returned to Mauricio Gattas' studio, where she remained until 2018, when she interrupted for a while.

In February 2020, seeking new creative horizons, she joined Ximena Subercaseaux's studio. However, her artistic journey led her back to Mauricio Gattas' studio in 2022, this time seeking guidance for her semi-finished pieces.

Kathy Eldridge Madero's work has been recognized and published in renowned magazines such as Architectural Digest and Arquitectos Mexicanos. Additionally, she has been part of both solo and group exhibitions in prestigious institutions, including the Rufino Tamayo Museum in Mexico City, the DeCinti Villalón Academy in Madrid, Spain, the Red Cross in Monterrey, Nuevo León, as well as in prominent art galleries such as the Rocío Castelo Art Gallery in San Pedro Garza García and Gattás Espacio para el Arte, also in San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León. Her work reflects a rich artistic exploration and a commitment to creative expression in various cultural and geographical contexts.