Sofía Eduviges
Sofía Eduviges

Sofía Eduviges
Monterrey, Nuevo León, México

Sofía Eduviges is a prominent visual artist born in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, in 1985. Her passion for art led her to pursue a degree in Graphic Design at the University of Monterrey, where she graduated with honors, standing out for her talent and dedication.

During her education, she had the privilege of studying under renowned masters such as Mauricio Gattás, Ximena Subercaseaux, Ramiro Martínez Plasencia, Enrique García Saucedo, Alejandro Decinti, and Oscar Villalón, in Madrid, Spain, expanding her creative and technical horizon.

In 2010, she was awarded a scholarship for her outstanding performance, which allowed her to study oil painting at the prestigious Decinti & Villalón academy in Madrid, thus consolidating her technique and artistic vision.

Sofía has participated in various exhibitions, both collective and individual, with notable presence in the contemporary art scene. She was selected to participate in the Biennial of Contemporary Art "We Were Never Anything" organized by Los14 in Mexico City in 2018, where her work captured the attention of the public and specialized critics.

Among her achievements, she won first place in the V Ibero-American Exhibition of Miniature and Small Format Art in 2018, as well as being selected to exhibit in more than twenty collective exhibitions, including RESEÑA (2010), "Meeting the Sensitive" with the New Dawn Institute (2012), Soporte Papel 2018 of the Bernardo Elosúa Farías Award, Madrinas de San Pedro 2023, and at the We Collector gallery in San Luis Potosí in the current year.

Individually, Sofia has held five exhibitions that have left a significant mark in the art world. Among them are "Traces" at the Plaza Fátima Cultural Center (2011), "The Synthesis of a Human" at the Centennial Museum (2012), "Noeud de mémoire" at the Le Pavé d'Orsay art gallery in Paris, France (2014), "It's Not About You" at the Plaza Fátima Cultural Center (2018), and "Burnout" at the Plaza Fátima Cultural Center (2019).

Her influence and experience led her to be invited as a speaker at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) in 2023, where she gave a talk titled "Between Design and the Arts" within the Faculty of Visual Arts, sharing her knowledge and perspective with future artists and designers. Sofia Eduviges continues to leave an indelible mark on the world of contemporary art with her innovative work and commitment to artistic expression.

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